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GIS in Disaster Management Training

Home GIS Courses GIS in Disaster Management Training

About the GIS in Disaster Management

A GIS helps people visualize and create information that can be used to make decisions and solve problems.

Disasters are spatial in nature as they strike at a specific location and influence a particular area. Hence, location intelligence plays a critical role in disaster management. GIS coupled with remote sensing provides a basic framework that helps in all the stages of disaster management starting from preparedness, to response and recovery.

Here are some ways GIS can be used in disaster management:

Risk assessment: GIS can be used to map and analyze hazards and vulnerabilities in a particular area to identify high-risk zones and create evacuation plans.

Response planning: GIS can help emergency response teams to quickly identify and locate the areas affected by a disaster, estimate the number of people affected and their needs, and create a response plan accordingly.

Resource allocation: GIS can be used to identify available resources, such as hospitals, shelters, and emergency supplies, and allocate them to the areas that need them most.

Damage assessment: GIS can be used to quickly assess the extent of damage caused by a disaster and identify the areas that require immediate attention.

Communication: GIS can help in communicating vital information to people in affected areas through maps, mobile apps, and social media.

Recovery and reconstruction: GIS can also be used in the long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts by identifying areas that require rebuilding and planning infrastructure projects.

Here are some topics that we will  learn in this course:

  • Basics of GIS: Learn about the fundamentals of GIS, including data types, data structures, and coordinate systems.
  • Spatial Data Analysis: Learn about spatial data analysis techniques such as buffer analysis, spatial interpolation, and spatial statistics.
  • Remote Sensing: Learn about remote sensing techniques such as aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LiDAR, and how they can be used for disaster management.
  • Hazard and Risk Assessment: Learn about different hazards, such as floods, earthquakes, and wildfires, and how to use GIS for hazard and risk assessment.
  • Emergency Management: Learn about the principles and practices of emergency management, including response planning, resource allocation, and damage assessment.
  • Cartography and Visualization: Learn about cartography and visualization techniques and tools for creating effective disaster management maps.
  • Open-source GIS software: Learn about open-source GIS software such as QGIS and GRASS GIS, and how they can be used for disaster management.
  • Geo-spatial Data Collection: Learn about the collection of geo-spatial data using GPS, mobile devices, and other field data collection tools.

Important Dates
Classroom Training Calendar 2024

Click to Apply.
May 13, 2024May 17, 2024May 10, 2024USD 1000Register
Jun 17, 2024Jun 21, 2024Jun 14, 2024USD 1000Register
Jul 22, 2024Jul 26, 2024Jul 19, 2024USD 1000Register
Aug 26, 2024Aug 30, 2024Aug 23, 2024USD 1000Register
Sep 30, 2024Oct 04, 2024Sep 27, 2024USD 1000Register
Nov 04, 2024Nov 08, 2024Nov 01, 2024USD 1000Register
Dec 09, 2024Dec 13, 2024Dec 06, 2024USD 1000Register

Online Training Calendar 2024

Click to Apply.
Apr 22, 2024Apr 27, 2024Apr 19, 2024USD 400Register
May 27, 2024Jun 01, 2024May 24, 2024USD 400Register
Jul 01, 2024Jul 06, 2024Jun 28, 2024USD 400Register
Aug 05, 2024Aug 10, 2024Aug 02, 2024USD 400Register

Group Discount


Course Content

Introduction and definition of concepts and Jargons

  • Introduction to GIS concepts: Definition and application of GIS in Disaster Management context.
  • Introduction to 5 Components of a GIS Systems
  • Introduction to GIS Software (QGIS) Installation and Interface. We will use the latest version for this course that has extra functionalities and updates compatible with Windows ,Linux and Mac OS.
  • Managing and manipulating GIS Data
  • Datum and Projections
  • Data types in GIS: Vector and Raster models.
  • Working with tabular data such as CSV and excel in QGIS. Performing Spatial Join for non-spatial data.
  • Types of resolutions in GIS.
  • Introduction to Spatial databases
  • Geospatial functions and capabilities in the context of Disaster Management
  • Spatial data concepts & Spatial Data Infrastructure

Data collection methods

  • Facilitated exercises in GPS Data Collection using GIS Android apps
  • Introduction to QField Sync, kobo toolbox or ODK. A look at the basic interface and features.
  • Setting up kobo toolbox or QField Sync
  • Designing a wash data collection form in kobo forms, ODK or in QField Sync
  • Deploying forms to Kobo collect app , ODK app or Synchronization of QField app with QField Sync.
  • Setting up kobo collect in mobile phone and linking the Kobo collect to kobotoolbox
  • Collecting data using QField app, kobo collect app or ODK app for android phones
  • Uploading and managing data.
  • Uploading data into QGIS for analysis and mapping.

Development and presentation of maps

  • Working with spatial Databases (.gdb), Geopackages(gpkg) and Spatialite layers(sqlite).
  • Working with GIS Data. Digitization and Georeferencing.
  • QGIS Mapping techniques
  • Basic to advanced Labeling, Styling and symbolization
  • Cartography and Customization of Legends
  • Using the print Composer to make final maps.
  • Creating Atlas maps. Automation of Map making.
  • Creating Value Maps, Cascading selects and Heat Maps/Dot density Maps
  • Creating graphs i.e., pie charts, Histograms and Text diagrams with the aid of inbuilt plugins.

Vector Geoprocessing, Analysis and Exquisite map making and presentation using project data

  • Basic analysis and Geo processing
  • Performing different vector Geo-processing functionalities for Projects
  • Performing vector analysis for Projects
  • Batch processing to aid Project analysis
  • Graphical Modelling for Projects
  • Working with vector tiles and tables for  projects.
  • Wise GIS solutions for disaster management Projects.

Target Participants

Anyone interested in learning about GIS in disaster management can apply for this course. This includes students, professionals, and individuals from various backgrounds who want to gain knowledge and skills in using GIS for disaster management.

Some of the professionals who may benefit from a course in GIS in disaster management include:

  • Emergency managers and responders
  • Geospatial analysts and technicians
  • Urban and regional planners
  • Environmental scientists and engineers
  • Public health professionals
  • Risk assessors and disaster risk reduction specialists
  • NGO and aid workers involved in disaster response and recovery
  • Disaster relief and humanitarian workers

Furthermore, government officials, researchers, and students who are interested in disaster management can also benefit from learning about GIS applications in disaster management.

Suggested Skills

Experience with Windows-based software for basic file management and browsing.


QGIS, Kobo Toolbox, Google Earth, ArcGIS


Upon successful completion of this course every participant will get a Certificate at no extra cost.



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